культура и традиции
Группа стоящая на верхушке норвежского хит-парада
BigBang Live : BigBang - Radio Radio TV Sleep: BigBang Live (2CD) [Limited Edition Digipak] 159,-
BigBang har i snart 10 еr hatt rykte pе seg for е vжre et av norges beste liveband, og etterspшrselen etter en liveplate har til tider vжrt meget stor. Nе er ventetiden endelig over; liveplaten er i boks, den er til og med dobbel - og det er til enkel pris!
Lеtene er tatt opp under BigBangs norgesturne i januar og februar i еr, og folk vil kunne nyte godt av bеde akustisk og elektrisk lеtmateriale. Faktisk er det йn CD med elektrisk musikk og йn CD med akustisk musikk - totalt 24 lеter. Og de er der alle sammen: Girl in Oslo, Wild bird, To The Mountains, Long Distance Man, Frontside RockґNґRoll, Something Special, Right Beside You m.fl. I tillegg fеr du en nydelig versjon av Steve Winwoods Canґt Find My Way Home, og to helt nye lеter i Cry Right og Lights Go Out.
2.Второе "чудо",кумир визжащих девчонок.
Kurt innfrir! : Kurt Nilsen - I 149,-
"Idol-Kurt" albumdebuterer nе med albumet "I". Vi er sikkert ikke de eneste som har vжrt spente pе hva har kommet opp med, spesielt etter hans fine versjon av Tal Bachmans "Sheґs So High", som jo har solgt i vanvittige mengder pе single. Og vi tror vi kan love at Kurt innfrir!
3.Известны в Европе и в Штатах, но в тени на родине.
Magnetisk : Magnet - On Your Side 149,-
Magnet er en av Storbritannias mest imшtesette og haussede utgivelser denne sommeren. Ganske spesielt da at Magnet er ensbetydende med Even Johansen. Og synes du det lеter kjent kan vi bekrefte at han kommer opprinnelig fra Bergen og var en stakkels stund veldig i fokus med det nе opplшste bandet Libido. Nе er Magnet en helt annen muskikalsk tallerken enn Libido. Magnet skaper sitt helt egne, facinerende og stemningsskapende musikalske uttrykk ved е forene det aller beste fra Evens inspitasjonskilder som Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Nick Drake, etc. Dette har han pakket inn i et moderne, atmosfжrisk og hypnotiserende lydbilde. Magnet er mеnedens artist i The Face og mеnedens album i Uncut! I tillegg vil det i de kommende nummerne dukke opp artikler med Even i Q, Mojo og NME som alle gir "On Your Side" fabelaktige anmeldelser. Magnet spiller ogsе bеde pе Quart- og Шya Festivalen.
4.Группа которая стоит в тройке лучших /это моё мнение/
Back in 1999, when Norwegian rock group Madrugada completed work on Industrial Silence, they didn't expect their debut album for Virgin Records to be released internationally. "Back then, almost no band came from Norway and got an audience outside of Norway so we've been very lucky," recalls singer Sivert Hшyem.
Not that luck had much to do with it. After forming Madrugada in the mid-nineties, the intense frontman, groovy bassist Frode Jacobsen and fiery guitarist Robert Burеs built on their original home-grown audience and acquired a dedicated fanbase by playing blistering gigs across Europe.
"We think it's a bit strange that we have such a following in continental Europe. Our first show at Roskilde was amazing. It was like people were cheering us on. Very strange," adds Sivert whilst the red-haired Robert singles out Athens. "I always love to play Greece.
The audiences there are just crazy. They're not afraid to show that they love our music. I like audiences like that," says the guitarist who "didn't expect much more than just making music. In the past three years, we've been able to make a living from it. "
Three years on, Rшyksopp and Kings Of Convenience are the toast of the chill-out scene while the harder, rockier Madrugada have sold 250.000 copies of their debut and its follow-up The Nightly Disease. Even more impressively, their stunning third album, recorded in Berlin with the help of PJ Harvey producer Head and pithily entitled Grit, builds on their early promise. Indeed, its eleven highly personal songs pack an emotional punch and deliver a musical high worthy of comparisons with the seminal Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones. The beautifully-orchestrated 'Song Of Majesty' in particular sounds like a 'Sister Morphine' for the new millennium while the urgent 'I'm Ready' and the swaggering 'Try Try Try' rock like Iggy Pop in his Stooges prime. "I would say our band has this Classic Rock element. We have a great singer, a great guitar player", laughs the self-effacing Burеs. "And the songs are a bit shorter and a bit more in your face."
This is rather fitting since Madrugada learned their chops playing Stones and Iggy covers in Stokmarknes in the far reaches of the Nordland area of Norway but have now truly transcended their influences - Joy Division, Gun Club, The Cramps, The Velvet Underground - and seem ready to take on the world. "This is our best album, it feels very real to me. I think it's more concise, clearer, less stream of consciousness. I had something that I wanted to write about," declares Hшyem who agrees with his bandmates that the twangy, broody opening track 'Bloodshot' "defines the whole mood of the album. It's all about women. You're in a situation or in a relationship and you feel things aren't working out the way they should.
Listening to it now, it's kind of bitter and poisonous stuff. 'Song Of Majesty' has a closure feel about it. 'Proxy' and 'Get Back In Line' came out of this bizarre discussion me and Frode had about free love. There is a mad, psychotic feel to the album but there are some lighter moments and moods here and there. But this was a really tough album to make," reveals the singer.
It seems the hard work put in over the past three years had taken its toll not only on Madrugada but also on their relationships. Drummer Jon Lauvland Pettersen left while the others' girlfriends got weary. Sivert admits as much. "In 'Billy Pilgrim', I'm putting myself in my girlfriend's position when I'm touring. They sometimes get kind of angry not at you but at what you do." Robert, the self-confessed " most rock'n'roll member of the group," is still fighting his own battles. "'Try Try Try' is basically about being unable to stop drinking and to stop fucking yourself up. You can try try try but you'll never get out of it. The whole album is on the edge, we were on the edge when we made it. I have to admit there were a lot of intense moments," he states candidly. "I did the guitar part for 'Got You' while my girlfriend was in hospital. She had heavy surgery - she nearly died - and I got a message telling me how serious it was. It's just the first take of whatever came to my mind. When your personal life is disturbed, it's hard to focus but I actually got something good out of it. It ended up like a great piece of music on the album. Psychotic sound, psychotic song with a twisted sample."
In order to get some distance and a better sense of perspective, the three musicians had dispersed to various corners of Europe, Sivert to Northern
Norway, Robert to Oslo and Frode to Berlin where Grit was eventually recorded at the Tritonus Tonstudio - Einsturzende Neubaten - with PJ Harvey associate Head - he's also done Therapy? and Queen Adreena - producing alongside Jacobsen. "On this album, we were trying to make our music more straightforward, not so atmospheric as before. We decided to try and play every song live. Half the tracks are second takes," stresses the bassist.
"We had different set-ups in the studio and we were trying to make the album as wide-ranging and as different as it needed to be. We mixed a lot of genres, we incorporated things like Krautrock. Sonically, 'Bloodshot' is very much inspired by bands like Can, Neь, Kraftwerk. The best songs are often the ones that come out of a jam. 'I Don't Fit' is probably the most typical Madrugada song on the album. It's almost like a little bit of the heart, of the vibe of the band." Hшyem and Burеs both agree that "recording in Berlin did something to the music to a much greater extent than New York where we did the previous album. There's a bit of a Berlin vibe to this one. Head was very good at understanding us and getting the sound and the energy of the band. You can almost hear the raw power," enthuses the guitarist whose trebly, fuzzy style has justly been compared to the likes of Link Wray. Meanwhile, Sivert has moved away from the mean and moody Jim Morrison and Nick Cave style-tones of Industrial Silence and found his own voice. "I'm doing things my own way. I try and write as much as I can, both in Norwegian and in English. Grit comes from a passage in this Henry Miller novel called Black Spring. He talks about people working at the shipyards who have these black hands because of all the things they work with. When they
die and they wash their corpses, they still can't get the grit out of their hands. It was a good way to describe the things that you go through that leave their marks on you, which you can never walk away from. It has that kind of raw, dirty feeling that the album also has. 'I'm Ready' is written directly to some people who gave us a lot of shit when we did our last album, a revenge kind of thing. You kind of forget but you never forgive," explain the trio who also contributed a great version of 'Come On Home To Me' to Total Lee, the Lee Hazlewood tribute album released by the City Slang label (Saint Etienne, Jarvis Cocker and Evan Dando also feature).
So does the name Madrugada - the hour before sunrise - still fit the group? Robert certainly thinks so. "Yes, even if most people can't really tell what the fuck it means. Some believe we're a metal band or a very melancholy, quiet band."
Certainly, even if Grit is more focused and direct than the two previous albums, listening to Sivert snarling "Bloodshot, adult commitment, piss running down the inside of your leg" on 'Bloodshot', you still get the impression of an ominous tension building up before an eventual resolution and release. More than ever, Madrugada provide the uncertain yet addictive soundtrack for the hours before sunrise.
А Закачать можно по адресу:http://www.emi.no/madrugada/audiovideo.asp
Образы древних языческих богов были во многом очернены религиозной нетерпимостью и историческим невежеством. Им редко поклонялись; скорее, их чтили и уважали как эманации Великого духа, берущие начало от одного источника. Хотя их могущество неизмеримо превосходило человеческое, они вели себя во многом подобно людям. Таким образом, это были не грозные божества, к которым можно обращаться лишь опосредованно, а скорее, дружественные сущности, готовые дать совет, предоставить защиту или покровительство.
Обращение к богу было практическим актом, просьбой о помощи из источника сверхчеловеческой силы, способной к состраданию.К примеру, если требовалось вдохновение для нового начинания, то взывали к Одину, поскольку вдохновение является одним из основных атрибутов Одина.
Если требовалось мужество, то обращались к Тиру. И так далее.
В северной традиции существовала определённая классификация богов. Некоторые имели отношение к силам разума и Души, другие участвовали в органическом процессе роста и развития. Все вместе они способствовалисовершенствованию и возвышению Духа.
Верховным божеством был ОДИН, также известный как Водин в Англии и Вотан в Германии. Один считался <скрытым> источником мудрости и могущества - Всеобщим Отцом, давшим начало Творению. Так же он был покровителем скальдов и непревзойдённым стихотворцем (поэтом).
Хеймдал - этосила, наделяющая способностью слышать невысказанное и получать безмолвное знание. Этот бог совершил самопожертвование. Он потерял ухо, но получил дар необыкновенно острого слуха.
Тир - мифическая фигура, олицетворяющая правосудие и благополучие общества.
Тор - бог войны. В действительности он воплощает силу противостоящую Хаосу. Тор повелевает громами и молниями - природными явлениями, уничтожавшими всё старое и отжившее.
Фрей ( повелитель ), олицетворял мир, изобилие, удовольствие и плотскую любовь.
Бальдур ( принц ), бог света, воплощавший радость и красноречие.
Фрейя ( повелительница ), олицетворяла женскую привлекательность. Являлась богиней любви и сексуального удовольствия. И хотя Руны людям подарил Один, у Фрейи они были намного раньше.
Фригга ( возлюбленная ) - богиня символизирующая семью, супружество, воспитание детей и согласие.
Мани _ бог Луны, в Норвегии мужского рода ( солнце - женского ). Измерение времени и регулирование естественных процессов.
Iron Lady
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